Valeria Moore and Friends

 Valeria MooreI,  like everyone else feeling the angst of our current time,  want to do something to move us forward.  I was not going to fall into the pit of despair with the harm being done to people.    I belong to a women’s group and  last month we discussed our intent to find ways to ‘do something.’   I had a fleeting idea of this meditation a couple of weeks later and shared that idea with a friend.  She told me that I MUST do this.   I am not doing this alone.  Valeria Moore and Friends are helping to spread the word.

Valeria is a certified meditation teacher, founder and developer of Remen Q,  founder of Emotional Patterns and emotional pathophysiology,  and author of several books.  She is developing and building a new organization, the Institute of Peace Alchemy,  Valeria has been studying and teaching methods of healing for 25+ years.  She is the author of Emotional Patterns, Healer Wisdom, Alchemy of the Third Eye and Pineal Gland: Healing Your Intuition and The Remen Q Method: An Easy Do-It-Yourself Process to Create Inner Peace and Change Your Reality.   She lives in Oregon with her partner.

Without peace, people have more difficulty exercising agency, seizing opportunity, and realizing their full potential. Peace enables trust and provides the foundation for collaboration to solve complex problems. It allows people to look past differences and have difficult conversations. (This paragraph was in the template I used for this page.  I thought it was perfect.  I give credit to the author unknown)

There are a  number of people that have helped me to make this project possible:

Lori Aletha: Lori is supporting me to get the word out.  She has supported me in all that I have done over the years.  Lori is driving force behind the NW Psychic Fair.

Shelley Lynn Hines: She is  helping to ground me in this process and get the word out.  Shelley is a evolutionary astrologer and intentional creativity teacher.  Visit her site at for more information.

Mary DeSantis:  A new friend and supporter.

Natalie Jayne Ashwood:  An old friend and supporter.